Have you ever seen the film 'The Princess Kaguya' (Studio Ghibli)....not necessarily a children's film. It is a must see----based on an 8th c. tale from the Heien period and a story the Ghibli people wanted to do for a long time. Worth the wait though (14 years); supposedly their swansong.....the writer of the story has died at the age of 81 and the art director is in his 80's as well. The music in particular is haunting......
Your posts are enchanting BTW......Fenist Bright Falcon was a tear-jerker for me.
Thanks for the tip on the Poguemahone audiobook, Martin. Took the dive. Gonna make the week of stair building on the job sweet. I have already had his image of lepers with wings of eagles sweeping over a world of fire crated and marked as a keeper in the eye's hold.
Fantastic stuff here, Martin. Thank you for compiling and sharing these fragments I can shore against my ruins. Is there an audiobook of Stag Cult in the works?
Pádraig Mac Cába— of MacLeòid and the Gallowglass, perhaps even Dal Riada before them? An Hebridean warrior…
And thank you again for these bits and pieces of the greater, of which we are all a part.
One of the many things Jesus did well and modeled well in intimacy, humility and vulnerability…And so we talk story, it is its own kind of poetry. Perhaps herein salvation of ourselves and the planet too.
And now I’m thinking too of another Pádraig, that O’Tuama fellow, you know, the poet and teller too.
We should keep nudging Martin and Pádraig (Ó Tuama) together, and eventually the universe will collapse in on itself in some kind of riotously spectacular fireworks finale.
Yes! Or very nearly, perhaps a relative of the Alpine? It’s a Western or Sierra Juniper (also called a Western Cedar). Up in Desolation Wildnerness, just west of Lake Tahoe in California. It bewitched me one night on a backpacking trip; now it haunts my daydreams. Quite lovely, though.
As much as I appreciate and support what you and Paul do, the combination of nature mysticism and Christ and monastic spirituality and ecclesiastical ritual sticks in my craw. It seems to me to be an elitist experience available to only the privileged. Of which I am one. If you had your summer retreat in July instead of August I may have traveled from here in California to England to join in. I also occasionally attend traditional Anglican liturgy and revel in the beauty of creation. So I am speaking as somewhat of a hypocrite.
Jesus merely said to go in your room and pray to your Father who is there in secret. In fact the go aside, close the door, room thing is optional and the Father is still there. The only real description we have available of how church was done in the first years of Christianity outside of Jerusalem is in 1 & 2 Corinthians which show the combination of the sublime presence of the Spirit with the weakness and absurdity and incomplete goodness of the human condition which is inevitable in this world. This is a wild Christianity that is applicable in all situations and places. Jesus practiced it in agony upon the cross, naked with no privacy in the grip of the world system machine of that time. crying out, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”.
Speaking of wild Christianity in action today consider the expansion of Protestant Christianity in China . In 1950 1,000,000, now at least 40,000,000 and quite possibly far more. To the point where the Chinese communist party feels threatened. Hardly any Orthodox, maybe 15,00 believers. It says in the NT “no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.” So apparently the Holy Spirit jumped the rails in China and went rogue away from the true church.
I think we've been here before Jeff, you're just turning up the volume on your unrest. I appreciate you naming the hypocrisy of your position. The move to nature is partially the legacy of what we've done to the planet by not often taking our faith outside of manmade structures. As a wilderness guide of twenty five years I know exactly the kind of rehydration that can happen to the most jaded souls through that experience. And - by the way - this is something that the early Irish Christians knew well (we'll come to this over the next few weeks). It may 'stick in your craw' but the notion that is had no bearing in the first few hundred years of the the church is not accurate, especially when it arrived in a Celtic setting. There's many ways to approach a life of faith, but what I, Paul and others are attempting has been sorely neglected. But, if you don't need it, don't come. But there's those that do. My father is a preacher, my brother is a pastor, I don't need to chapter and verse you on this. We've 'chapter and versed' the last two thousand years and here we are now. The world's on fire by the way. I'm a scripture orientated Christian, I'm not just making this all up as I go along. As for 'elitist experience', well there's always that danger. But as someone that trained for eight long years in the work, never taking a penny, and has worked with at-risk youth, the sick, returning veterans, folks leaving prison after long stretches I say a hearty bollocks to your inference. I think you just got triggered by a poster without knowing the full story. I think Christianity may benefit in some tiny way from the embers we are trying to blow on, and you trying to shoot it down before we've even given it a shot is part of the reason I avoided Christianity for almost fifty years. I think you're a good man with a big heart, but there we have it.
Don’t take any of it back, but thank you for your gracious and thoughtful reply! I think part of what triggered my response is my own years long volunteer work with the homeless and thinking how that particular combination of strands you are working with seemed not useful for them and the ordinary folk that fill this Central Valley Texas/Oklahoma section of California, that there is simpler healing distillation for that context and for most people that populate this planet. And, yes, your more complex brew is what some people need. And my latest batch of mead enhanced with tea of the Root of the Holy Ghost - the medieval term for the herb Angelica archangelica is nearly ready.
There is a book out there floating called JESUS DIED IN TIBET written by Anthony Faiber-Kaiser; he claims that crucifixtion is a long, lingering death and that it requires about 3 days to accomplish this. and.....as Jesus was removed by his uncle, Joe Arimathea at the end of one day (apparently, during that time, it was not a custom that a Jew remain on the cross during sabbath, in fact it was illegal), it would almost appear that this was a planned exit. Faiber-Kaiser says that there is a tomb belonging to the prophet 'Yeshua' and he has photos he took during this investigative reporting journey. Another interesting item I took away from reading this was that there is proof that the 3 missing years in Jesus' life were spent in Egypt studying ancient mysteries/rites and geting 'initiated'. Jesus lived to be in his late 80's and sired children. I own the book, but it is packed away some where so have not touched it in years, but the gist of what this guy wrote still stays with me. The book is still available--check it out. It may prove to be true, not necessarily ruining anyone's feelings towards a Messiah, just that he wasn't about to sacrifice his life in agony, dying up there for nothing---he had stuff he wanted to do. Or so it seems. And I agree with you; you are a bit of a hypocrite, so masticate on this angle--just do not let the 'ole craw get sticky 'cause i am sure you have stuff to do as well.........
Hey Martin Shaw--out of curiosity, i checked out this book--going for $265 on Amazon ! crazy talk! So if you were at all interested and it won't be happening right away, but I could locate my copy and make a xerox copy for you. Eventually! I have stuff that needs doing. First! But later on iin the autumn
The version of Jesus you present seems dreary and commonplace to me compared to the one I have met in the NewTestament and I have met in my own experience, the one who gives us the Holy Spirit and reveals the Father and is with us, the savior, the mediator, the present brother and friend, in whom is the Spirit of Life
There will never be anything dreary or commonplace about any version of Jesus, no matter how you slice this pie; but why is it that certain types of Christians, the ones with "experience of the Holy Spirit and as well, a friend and present brother" and in your words a 'mediator' always are the ones who antagonize?
In fact I could have predicted your reply---because the other thing about certain types of Christians I have noticed was that they have no law or order in how they respond--first example is combining wild and monastic litergy sticking n your craw, but then admitting you are a hypocrite. So why bring it up in the first place? And as to the second and third paragraph? Statistics rgarding Protestant communities in Communist China? And finally, " the weakness & absurdity and incompleteness of the human condition"? Are you assuming the position then?
The thing I carried away was the idea of 'noblesse oblige'; it would be more impressive if you acted as no doubt, Jeshua did, with nobility of spirit.
One of the titles of Jesus in the NT is the skandalon, the rock of offense. The real Jesus and his lordship is an offense to many, so they find a false Jesus they can handle, which you have done. It says we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so this discussion will have an eventual resolution.
ONE MORE THING (always) check out the blog of one Diana Bass, called THE COTTAGE and the post entitled "Mary Magdalen Rocks MY World" on july 18, 2023. Another Aramaic scholar hard at work and hot on the trail for TRUTH. Veritas
There is a professor at UCLA----an expert in biblical archaeology although his studies were more to do with the languages of that time. Aramaic, the language that was commonly spoken/written by jeshua's family and kin and by most of those living there, was found on the famous papyri of the dead sea scrolls, a gnostic gospel.
This professor was asked to take part in the translation and I will admit defeat in recalling his name because my research was done about 15 years ago, my perambulations on the web began at midnight and beyond because of my day job, and i wasn't thinking i would even get to a 6th degrees-of-separation thing; will apologize for that lack of scholarship---has never happened since--copious notes.
The big takeaway though was that this professor came to the conclusion that Joseph, Jesus' father, was not a carpenter but a learned rabbi, 'a builder of worlds'. A misunderstanding, but it makes a huge difference to those who care about the truth. I always thought it was odd that he was in the temple conversing with, as it may be so, with his dad's equals--fellow theologians, 'builders of worlds' and as he was from the Royal House of David, this seems far more ligit.
Not that I'm not for the carpenter,; my Dad was one and an excellent one--I had always thought him a fine Joseph, the best Dad I COULD have had.
NOW fastwarding to this spring--more news, but my scholarship has improved through the years so I will secure my credentials.....later.
Dear Jeff,...who once again is so magnanimous in finding offense where none was offered. Reminding you once more-------noblesse oblige!
Jeff, it seems a strange turn that soul work outside, in presence of the nonhuman, would be able to be categorized as out of reach of the common people. The truth of such would underline the progression of the sickness at hand. Your answer that some subset of the West has become so individualized and species-barren that they can only approach the holy with a pasteurized and self-confined sense of the cosmos because they live in the dead zone created by the same. I think this confuses Yeshua's meeting of those around him where they were with some divine will to keep them there. The closet business wasn't a prescription against a more diverse prayer biome but a technique against narcissist liturgy. Yeshua arrived at the cusp between the rise of the individual and the loss of more inhabited/communal ways of being. We are at a different cusp. All of us. Even Texans.
I meant to thank you and share that I enjoyed some wonderful belly laughs thanks to the bit about the self authored erotic writing hidden under the mattress and the hair like a broccoli top. So funny.
Thank for again gifting us with readings and wisdom. The House of Beasts and Vines is my weekly 'must go to'.
I noticed the Illich/Cayley book 'Rivers North... '
Just in case you are curious, here is a link to Caley's site to a page listing Caley/Illich broadcasts/podcasts, including five part CBC radio series called 'The Corruption of Christianity' created from the interviews in 'Rivers North of the Future' You may enjoy hearing Illich's voice and Cayley's commentary.
The link is via a Google search which makes it orderly... but if you search Illich internally on Caley's site, you will find more articles and references.
Can I get a link the the mentioned Bog people book?
In reference to your third audio.
The phrase you used “starting to remember what you stand for...”
In relation to school and it’s adverse affects on imagination.
I’ve felt that similar feeling happening throughout my motherhood. Like I had a vision for who I wanted to be as mother. Then rubber hitting the road also slapped me into the reality I had no teacher for how to be the mother I wanted to be (or the mother I also needed for myself).
But in a rapid survival fashion I began to seek out education- mother google as I’ve jokingly called it to my friends. It makes me cringe but I used google to teach myself basics in child rearing- and those habits would often not lead to the results of the mother I envisioned. Zapping my intuition or creative knowing with my children- or making fear where there need not be.
I needed a softer touch, hand to the back, voice in my ear- you’re doing fine dear. Not the blue light mother who is only giving me distance from my deeper knowing.
Anywho- I think, we’ll hope, now I’m 3 kids deep I am in a fashion beginning to find and move toward who I want to be as mother. Now is the wrestling and settling with the knowledge that I will be what my children’s generation may know as a representation of that word itself.
May we mothers remember what we stand for and that alignment be wildly good.
I’m thankful for your writing. You’ve become the good uncle for the road I’m on.
Well, well, well...I watched Dersu Azala yesterday and loved it! One of those movies you never forget, thanks for mentioning it at the Totnes storytelling.
I realised aswell that listening to you, is a form of self care that began during lockdown. Your words at the end of one video 'courage and lots and lots of love' landed like magic and worked!
Oh, thank you for last week's final part of Job too, my heart went out to him truly. I felt oddly comforted by his awful suffering, strange as that feels to admit it (or maybe that's the point, I don't know). Either way, I was happy to hear there was a good ending to it all which again gave me comfort and hope.
Nice to imagine you sitting there, cosy by the fire in that splenderous chair, what a beauty! Enjoyed your Irish man's sharing too, you have some fascinating friends.
Have you ever seen the film 'The Princess Kaguya' (Studio Ghibli)....not necessarily a children's film. It is a must see----based on an 8th c. tale from the Heien period and a story the Ghibli people wanted to do for a long time. Worth the wait though (14 years); supposedly their swansong.....the writer of the story has died at the age of 81 and the art director is in his 80's as well. The music in particular is haunting......
Your posts are enchanting BTW......Fenist Bright Falcon was a tear-jerker for me.
Thank you Jeanne, I will seek it out.
Thanks for the tip on the Poguemahone audiobook, Martin. Took the dive. Gonna make the week of stair building on the job sweet. I have already had his image of lepers with wings of eagles sweeping over a world of fire crated and marked as a keeper in the eye's hold.
It is such a bravura reading, and Pat is everything you'd hope for in real time.
Fantastic stuff here, Martin. Thank you for compiling and sharing these fragments I can shore against my ruins. Is there an audiobook of Stag Cult in the works?
Yes - in the next year to so I must get round to it. Thank's for the prompt!
A wonderful and generous mixture this Sunday, which I have thoroughly enjoyed whilst cooking.
I often come back to listen to your offerings again and again. Thanks you Martin.
I must say, I love the comfy chair and blanket looked over by beloved Dylan.
Looking forward to this feast! So enjoy the Sunday stories.
Pádraig Mac Cába— of MacLeòid and the Gallowglass, perhaps even Dal Riada before them? An Hebridean warrior…
And thank you again for these bits and pieces of the greater, of which we are all a part.
One of the many things Jesus did well and modeled well in intimacy, humility and vulnerability…And so we talk story, it is its own kind of poetry. Perhaps herein salvation of ourselves and the planet too.
And now I’m thinking too of another Pádraig, that O’Tuama fellow, you know, the poet and teller too.
Pádraig aka anonemoose monk }:- a.m.
We should keep nudging Martin and Pádraig (Ó Tuama) together, and eventually the universe will collapse in on itself in some kind of riotously spectacular fireworks finale.
Oh by the way I believe I know that Alpine Juniper?
Yes! Or very nearly, perhaps a relative of the Alpine? It’s a Western or Sierra Juniper (also called a Western Cedar). Up in Desolation Wildnerness, just west of Lake Tahoe in California. It bewitched me one night on a backpacking trip; now it haunts my daydreams. Quite lovely, though.
Also up in the Mokolumne Wilderness where I once lived and worked in another season long ago…
As much as I appreciate and support what you and Paul do, the combination of nature mysticism and Christ and monastic spirituality and ecclesiastical ritual sticks in my craw. It seems to me to be an elitist experience available to only the privileged. Of which I am one. If you had your summer retreat in July instead of August I may have traveled from here in California to England to join in. I also occasionally attend traditional Anglican liturgy and revel in the beauty of creation. So I am speaking as somewhat of a hypocrite.
Jesus merely said to go in your room and pray to your Father who is there in secret. In fact the go aside, close the door, room thing is optional and the Father is still there. The only real description we have available of how church was done in the first years of Christianity outside of Jerusalem is in 1 & 2 Corinthians which show the combination of the sublime presence of the Spirit with the weakness and absurdity and incomplete goodness of the human condition which is inevitable in this world. This is a wild Christianity that is applicable in all situations and places. Jesus practiced it in agony upon the cross, naked with no privacy in the grip of the world system machine of that time. crying out, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”.
Speaking of wild Christianity in action today consider the expansion of Protestant Christianity in China . In 1950 1,000,000, now at least 40,000,000 and quite possibly far more. To the point where the Chinese communist party feels threatened. Hardly any Orthodox, maybe 15,00 believers. It says in the NT “no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.” So apparently the Holy Spirit jumped the rails in China and went rogue away from the true church.
I think we've been here before Jeff, you're just turning up the volume on your unrest. I appreciate you naming the hypocrisy of your position. The move to nature is partially the legacy of what we've done to the planet by not often taking our faith outside of manmade structures. As a wilderness guide of twenty five years I know exactly the kind of rehydration that can happen to the most jaded souls through that experience. And - by the way - this is something that the early Irish Christians knew well (we'll come to this over the next few weeks). It may 'stick in your craw' but the notion that is had no bearing in the first few hundred years of the the church is not accurate, especially when it arrived in a Celtic setting. There's many ways to approach a life of faith, but what I, Paul and others are attempting has been sorely neglected. But, if you don't need it, don't come. But there's those that do. My father is a preacher, my brother is a pastor, I don't need to chapter and verse you on this. We've 'chapter and versed' the last two thousand years and here we are now. The world's on fire by the way. I'm a scripture orientated Christian, I'm not just making this all up as I go along. As for 'elitist experience', well there's always that danger. But as someone that trained for eight long years in the work, never taking a penny, and has worked with at-risk youth, the sick, returning veterans, folks leaving prison after long stretches I say a hearty bollocks to your inference. I think you just got triggered by a poster without knowing the full story. I think Christianity may benefit in some tiny way from the embers we are trying to blow on, and you trying to shoot it down before we've even given it a shot is part of the reason I avoided Christianity for almost fifty years. I think you're a good man with a big heart, but there we have it.
Don’t take any of it back, but thank you for your gracious and thoughtful reply! I think part of what triggered my response is my own years long volunteer work with the homeless and thinking how that particular combination of strands you are working with seemed not useful for them and the ordinary folk that fill this Central Valley Texas/Oklahoma section of California, that there is simpler healing distillation for that context and for most people that populate this planet. And, yes, your more complex brew is what some people need. And my latest batch of mead enhanced with tea of the Root of the Holy Ghost - the medieval term for the herb Angelica archangelica is nearly ready.
There is a book out there floating called JESUS DIED IN TIBET written by Anthony Faiber-Kaiser; he claims that crucifixtion is a long, lingering death and that it requires about 3 days to accomplish this. and.....as Jesus was removed by his uncle, Joe Arimathea at the end of one day (apparently, during that time, it was not a custom that a Jew remain on the cross during sabbath, in fact it was illegal), it would almost appear that this was a planned exit. Faiber-Kaiser says that there is a tomb belonging to the prophet 'Yeshua' and he has photos he took during this investigative reporting journey. Another interesting item I took away from reading this was that there is proof that the 3 missing years in Jesus' life were spent in Egypt studying ancient mysteries/rites and geting 'initiated'. Jesus lived to be in his late 80's and sired children. I own the book, but it is packed away some where so have not touched it in years, but the gist of what this guy wrote still stays with me. The book is still available--check it out. It may prove to be true, not necessarily ruining anyone's feelings towards a Messiah, just that he wasn't about to sacrifice his life in agony, dying up there for nothing---he had stuff he wanted to do. Or so it seems. And I agree with you; you are a bit of a hypocrite, so masticate on this angle--just do not let the 'ole craw get sticky 'cause i am sure you have stuff to do as well.........
Hey Martin Shaw--out of curiosity, i checked out this book--going for $265 on Amazon ! crazy talk! So if you were at all interested and it won't be happening right away, but I could locate my copy and make a xerox copy for you. Eventually! I have stuff that needs doing. First! But later on iin the autumn
The version of Jesus you present seems dreary and commonplace to me compared to the one I have met in the NewTestament and I have met in my own experience, the one who gives us the Holy Spirit and reveals the Father and is with us, the savior, the mediator, the present brother and friend, in whom is the Spirit of Life
There will never be anything dreary or commonplace about any version of Jesus, no matter how you slice this pie; but why is it that certain types of Christians, the ones with "experience of the Holy Spirit and as well, a friend and present brother" and in your words a 'mediator' always are the ones who antagonize?
In fact I could have predicted your reply---because the other thing about certain types of Christians I have noticed was that they have no law or order in how they respond--first example is combining wild and monastic litergy sticking n your craw, but then admitting you are a hypocrite. So why bring it up in the first place? And as to the second and third paragraph? Statistics rgarding Protestant communities in Communist China? And finally, " the weakness & absurdity and incompleteness of the human condition"? Are you assuming the position then?
The thing I carried away was the idea of 'noblesse oblige'; it would be more impressive if you acted as no doubt, Jeshua did, with nobility of spirit.
One of the titles of Jesus in the NT is the skandalon, the rock of offense. The real Jesus and his lordship is an offense to many, so they find a false Jesus they can handle, which you have done. It says we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so this discussion will have an eventual resolution.
ONE MORE THING (always) check out the blog of one Diana Bass, called THE COTTAGE and the post entitled "Mary Magdalen Rocks MY World" on july 18, 2023. Another Aramaic scholar hard at work and hot on the trail for TRUTH. Veritas
There is a professor at UCLA----an expert in biblical archaeology although his studies were more to do with the languages of that time. Aramaic, the language that was commonly spoken/written by jeshua's family and kin and by most of those living there, was found on the famous papyri of the dead sea scrolls, a gnostic gospel.
This professor was asked to take part in the translation and I will admit defeat in recalling his name because my research was done about 15 years ago, my perambulations on the web began at midnight and beyond because of my day job, and i wasn't thinking i would even get to a 6th degrees-of-separation thing; will apologize for that lack of scholarship---has never happened since--copious notes.
The big takeaway though was that this professor came to the conclusion that Joseph, Jesus' father, was not a carpenter but a learned rabbi, 'a builder of worlds'. A misunderstanding, but it makes a huge difference to those who care about the truth. I always thought it was odd that he was in the temple conversing with, as it may be so, with his dad's equals--fellow theologians, 'builders of worlds' and as he was from the Royal House of David, this seems far more ligit.
Not that I'm not for the carpenter,; my Dad was one and an excellent one--I had always thought him a fine Joseph, the best Dad I COULD have had.
NOW fastwarding to this spring--more news, but my scholarship has improved through the years so I will secure my credentials.....later.
Dear Jeff,...who once again is so magnanimous in finding offense where none was offered. Reminding you once more-------noblesse oblige!
For this Christ is indeed a rogue, as are many of us who follow… #notachristian
Jeff, it seems a strange turn that soul work outside, in presence of the nonhuman, would be able to be categorized as out of reach of the common people. The truth of such would underline the progression of the sickness at hand. Your answer that some subset of the West has become so individualized and species-barren that they can only approach the holy with a pasteurized and self-confined sense of the cosmos because they live in the dead zone created by the same. I think this confuses Yeshua's meeting of those around him where they were with some divine will to keep them there. The closet business wasn't a prescription against a more diverse prayer biome but a technique against narcissist liturgy. Yeshua arrived at the cusp between the rise of the individual and the loss of more inhabited/communal ways of being. We are at a different cusp. All of us. Even Texans.
I meant to thank you and share that I enjoyed some wonderful belly laughs thanks to the bit about the self authored erotic writing hidden under the mattress and the hair like a broccoli top. So funny.
Thank for again gifting us with readings and wisdom. The House of Beasts and Vines is my weekly 'must go to'.
I noticed the Illich/Cayley book 'Rivers North... '
Just in case you are curious, here is a link to Caley's site to a page listing Caley/Illich broadcasts/podcasts, including five part CBC radio series called 'The Corruption of Christianity' created from the interviews in 'Rivers North of the Future' You may enjoy hearing Illich's voice and Cayley's commentary.
The link is via a Google search which makes it orderly... but if you search Illich internally on Caley's site, you will find more articles and references.
Not to oblige... only in case you would enjoy.
Can I get a link the the mentioned Bog people book?
In reference to your third audio.
The phrase you used “starting to remember what you stand for...”
In relation to school and it’s adverse affects on imagination.
I’ve felt that similar feeling happening throughout my motherhood. Like I had a vision for who I wanted to be as mother. Then rubber hitting the road also slapped me into the reality I had no teacher for how to be the mother I wanted to be (or the mother I also needed for myself).
But in a rapid survival fashion I began to seek out education- mother google as I’ve jokingly called it to my friends. It makes me cringe but I used google to teach myself basics in child rearing- and those habits would often not lead to the results of the mother I envisioned. Zapping my intuition or creative knowing with my children- or making fear where there need not be.
I needed a softer touch, hand to the back, voice in my ear- you’re doing fine dear. Not the blue light mother who is only giving me distance from my deeper knowing.
Anywho- I think, we’ll hope, now I’m 3 kids deep I am in a fashion beginning to find and move toward who I want to be as mother. Now is the wrestling and settling with the knowledge that I will be what my children’s generation may know as a representation of that word itself.
May we mothers remember what we stand for and that alignment be wildly good.
I’m thankful for your writing. You’ve become the good uncle for the road I’m on.
Well, well, well...I watched Dersu Azala yesterday and loved it! One of those movies you never forget, thanks for mentioning it at the Totnes storytelling.
I realised aswell that listening to you, is a form of self care that began during lockdown. Your words at the end of one video 'courage and lots and lots of love' landed like magic and worked!
Oh, thank you for last week's final part of Job too, my heart went out to him truly. I felt oddly comforted by his awful suffering, strange as that feels to admit it (or maybe that's the point, I don't know). Either way, I was happy to hear there was a good ending to it all which again gave me comfort and hope.
Nice to imagine you sitting there, cosy by the fire in that splenderous chair, what a beauty! Enjoyed your Irish man's sharing too, you have some fascinating friends.
Thank's Nicola - Dersu really is something eh?
*Uzala - I beg your pardon
Indeed, I believe their stellar conjunction would be a sparkling blessing on all?