What a deliciously easy choice that was to make, to join you here on such adventures. Acknowledging my own Third Watch begun.

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I'm finding, for me, the Third Watch is the best one :)

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I'm in the current! Can't wait to be washed away with you ❤

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Giddy in my britches. It's been a pleasure to learn from you in pieces via the Minnesosta Men's Conference recordings - this here is the gift I have been preparing myself to receive, from a teacher I always needed. Thank you for doing the good work.

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Glad to be here, I've been reading Wolf Milk today...🕸

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Curating the imagination has a new watchman. Well worth the "price of a London pint!"

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So happy to have subscribed! 🧙🏼‍♀️🧜🏽🐍🕸🪶🐉🌚⭐️

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Jumped. Thank you!

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Grateful to be here!

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A new journey for the new year - fabulous. Thanks, Martin, can't wait.

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I'm here, thank you for the invitation.

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Looking forward to this!

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So exciting to dive into this bottomless couldron full of magic.

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Namaste from the Himalayan air of Nepal. yours Karma Chang Chub

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I wonder if this lovely lively little boy with wild curls is young Martin, if not Ossian himself? In 2019, I would drift on the raft over and over again as I pestled nettles for pesto, stewed bramble for jam and sliced apples to dry, listenning to the abridged Night Wages. This year I was about to read A Hut, but drawn to that night sea journey and am aboard the raft again before setting off for The House of Beasts & Vines adventure. Thank you so much for this.

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