This place has your name on it!! Definitely crowd fund. If each of us who subscribe to your substack gave £30 (if 12k subscribers is an accurate number as it says) you'd be well on the way to raising what you need.

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I second that motion. People have crowdfunded for much less worthy things! 😉

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I was about to post to say the same thing - crowd funding. Lots of not-so-deep pockets together might do it. We live in Birmingham and I have been daydreaming about something similar somewhere out in the beautiful Shropshire hills.....when I read this post it was like you'd been and had a poke around in those day dreams and are threatening to make them happen....

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Oh, this makes me so incredibly happy. Our family had been looking at this need for few weeks, and the kids even unanimously voted on an international move to save the monestary. As that was unlikely to work, we are delighted it has found it's way to you. We would love to help however we are able. Hubby and I will be talking about what that might look like.

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Bless you all!

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If I was wealthy I pledge it all for such a place, even if I myself never got to visit it. It’s like the wilderness, good to preserve it and know it’s there even if one never goes.

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Thank you dear Patrick! There's energy in them.

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your words that is.

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Wow, Martin, this is beautiful. Surely you know this line from Bonhoeffer, but it's worth posting here: "The restoration of the church must surely depend on a new kind of monasticism, which has nothing in common with the old but a life of uncompromising discipleship, following Christ according to the Sermon on the Mount. I believe the time has come to gather people together and do this.” We're praying for this vision from CO. Have you considered firing up a Go Fund Me or some such thing? I know some of your American friends with (shallow) pockets would be glad to contribute to this vision.

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Thank you Blaine - you never know with the old Go Fund Me, I'll keep you informed as we go. Good cheer! M

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A vision indeed. May it come to pass.

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Thank's Mike.

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I haven’t the deep pockets needed for such a venture but by God I’d move to England in a heartbeat to help staff it. I’ve been working toward a dream of something like this for years. In the meantime, will share widely. Blessings on the adventure.

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Thank you January, power to you!

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how perfectly lovely.........bluebells under the trees---any welsh daffodils yet? Most definately will share this post with deep-pocketed folks--one never knows.....

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too true.... didn't see any Daffs! Thank you Jeanne

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I'll supply the daffs if you get it Martin! In fact I'll volunteer a month to come and garden. I've always wanted to be "head gardener" at some fun place, and be on Gardener's World! Here's my chance! 😉

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Hi Martin, you'll be happy to hear you're even being supported astrologically. Every new moon kicks off a six-month period of growth, imbued with the themes and lessons of the sign it's in. This fresh start under Taurus beckons us to explore an updated definition of abundance. We must establish a foundation, build wealth and determine our values and priorities. This recent new moon (7/8-5) 18° Taurus is the area of life that we're being invited to refine our foundations and call in new avenues of abundance. I checked your birth chart and it lands in your 12th house (which means) - trust your intuition and the little voice calling for a leap of faith. This placement is divinely supported to find financial success through esoteric offerings.

I'm thrilled for you and I believe with every cell in my body that - with a little help from your friends. You are going to make this happen and speaking of friends - I can't help notice you have some very talented and fascinating pals.

I shall be praying hard for you to get this farmhouse, it's beautiful and quite frankly perfect. Soup kitchener here - sign me up!

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I will share this with my audience. And, more importantly, I will give what I can and pray for the rest.

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Thank you so much Father, deeply appreciated,

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Kali Dynami!

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Father Barnabas, looking forward to your post about this!!!

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What a vision that is… it’s so beautiful! I mean, it kind of makes your heart leap right out of your chest, doesn’t it? Wow. I’m blowing on that ember from afar.

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Thank you Amie!

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Wow Martin ... a gift is presenting itself. I do hope the way for you to receive it becomes clear. I am not a person of money but it goes without saying that the whole project interests me deeply and I'd be interested in getting more involved if things start to happen and I can be of use.

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Thank you Jonathan, I could see you amongst us!

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This made my heart soar! What a beautiful vision, and may it come to pass. If a go fund me is started, I would love to put what I can towards this. Absolutely wonderful!

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Brother Aidan ... Didn't he do well! This from 20 years back ... those trees will have grown. https://citydesert.wordpress.com/2014/01/31/brother-aidan-orthodox-hermit-and-iconographer/

There is monastic history and ancient pilgrimage and green drove roads across the Border Marches ... maybe you have located way-station on those lines? There seem to be neighbours active in habitat restoration, woods and their recovery and the encouragement of creatures. I have done a bit of looking. No knowing these days how long such funding will stretch, but this effort by Aidan deserves some help from the various purses. (Ecological principle to link 'refugia' one green verge one old hedgerow at a time.) For some reason I keep thinking of the bread and pot of 'small-beer' offered to the indigent pilgrim when you get established.😊

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He does so very well - thank's Philip! I like the bread and the beer pot too.

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He can learn us as they used to say where I came from. Keep it going - pot at the end of the rainbow and all that. He might know them already down the road at Ironbridge some hands connected to brains https://www.smallwoods.org.uk

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Hello Martin

I'm new here, and what an interesting time! I may have bumped into you Wednesday evening at Aiden Hart's talk at St John's in Clevedon, I'm one of the congregation. I have little money I'm afraid, but what I can offer is time and skills. I do maintenance, repair and a little conservation. Basically I'm a handy man with tools and some knowledge. I live within driving distance of the monastery, and providentially I was looking into this place last year when I was searching for somewhere to retreat and pray after visiting St John's orthodox monastery in Essex.

I know it's money you need right now, and I'd be happy to chip in what I can if there were a fund set up. But God willing, if you managed to acquire it, get in touch and it would bring me joy to be of help.

Praise the Lord!

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Tim - your skills would be ESSENTIAL. Providential note.

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I love how you think, or perhaps more accurately, how you allow your imagination to be led. I've forwarded your dream to an orthodox friend in Calgary who, distance-be-damned, may be interested.

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Ah, appreciated Tama, thank you.

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This place and your vision for it is astoundingly beautiful and entirely needed for our world and our place in it as communicants. May it be blessed and come to fruition, I will pray. We just moved to live & work at St. Tikhon's Monastery and wholeheartedly hope to see more people orienting their lives around the good work of incarnational living. And thank you, Martin, for your words & posts... they are a buoy!

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