Sunday Stories: The Tempering of Shoshlan
Plus book recommendations, conversations with Luke Hannam & Ian MacKenzie, upcoming events Greenbelt & A Defence of Romantic Love
A warm hello Parish, the sun is out and teasing us!
You can find today’s wise Caucasus tale in my little red book Wolf Milk:
Wolf Milk, (Cista Mystica Press)
There’s much I could unpack in this story, but I’ll leave it for you as-is. If you have a taste for it, anything by John Colarusso will keep opening the world of the Nart Sagas, and maybe order a side dish of From Scythia to Camelot by C.Scott Littleton and Linda A. Malcor while you are at it.
I have some other books on the table that are waving from the bottom of this post. Also splashing about down there is a conversation I just had with a great British painter, Luke Hannam. We rove into all sorts of Beasts & Vines type places. Here’s some background on Luke (scroll down the link to see his latest catalogue at Anima Mundi gallery in Cornwall).
Below that is some lively talk about my now-very-upcoming tour of Canada with the good Ian MacKenzie. I know quite a few of you are coming, and I look forward to meeting you. Much is sold out, so please don’t delay if you are thinking about it.
I’m also going to be at the Greenbelt arts festival in the UK somewhere between 24th-27th August. I used to visit as a deranged teenager back in the 1980’s, and I think it’s my civic duty to build a few bridges and repair a few fenceposts. I give my solemn word I will not be shotgunning (don’t ask) cans of Special Brew and prowling the site in case the rumours are true and Bono is disguised as a security guard. Instead I will be proposing that we may have forgotten that Christianity is a Dream (amongst other things). What I mean by that will be explored over the gathering.
Last but not least, I’m delighted to give a defence of Romantic love for the Temenos Academy in London, Wednesday 5th July. Tickets available the old school way by ringing or email. (That’s them, not me.)
The Tempering of Shoshlan